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更新时间:2024-04-27 17:10:39



高考英语热点口语(06)热点句六:Never mind今年全国有四卷试题涉及了这一口语表达,其中全国卷是直接考查Never mind的用法,重庆卷、湖北卷和山东卷是间接考查其用法(答案1—3 ABDB):1.—Oh, dear! I’ve just broken a window.—_____. It can’t be helped. (2005全国卷I) A. Never mind B. All right C. That’s fine D. Not at all2.—We missed you at this morning’s meeting, Diana.—_____, but if I hadn’t had to meet a friend, I would have been there. (2005重庆卷)A. Me, too B. I’m sorry C. Never mind D. Thank you3.—Would you mind my coming over and having a look at your new garden? My little son’s curious about those roses you grow.—_____. You’re welcome (2005湖北卷)A. Yes, I do B. Never mind C. Yes, please D. Not at all4. —Let’s go to a movie after work, OK?—_____. (2005山东卷)A. Not at all B. Why not? C. Never mind D. What of it?其实,never mind 这一表达在去年的高考题也出现过(答案C):—How long are you staying?—I don’t know. ______. (2004江苏卷) A. That’s OK B. Never mind C. It depends D. It doesn’t matter【备考归纳】Never mind 在口语中有三个主要用法:一是用来表示安慰,意为“别着急”“不要紧”“没关系”;二是用来谢绝别人的提供,意为“不用啦”“别费事啦”;三是用来回答道歉,意为“没关系”“没什么”。如:Did you miss the bus? Never mind, there’ll be another one in five minutes. 你没赶上公共汽车吗? 不要紧, 五分钟后就来一辆。A: Can I help you with it? 要我帮你做这事吗?B: Never mind. 别费心啦。A: Sorry to have kept you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。B: Never mind. 没关系。(未完待续) 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~